Monthly Archives: October 2012

Way Two Go

What do you call an aquatic bird that can’t play Go?



Hey folks.

We’ll be having TWO MEETINGS this week. Of course we’ll have our usual one this evening but we’ll also be meeting tomorrow (Thursday) at 8pm in the Asian Lounge on Mary Street. That’s just down from Java’s Cafe and the old CP’s on the way towards Eddie Rocket’s. I’ll bring some Go boards of course, but we’ll also have scrabble and cards and other stuff too.

Some details on the UCC tournament are up on their website. Looks like there is a good chance for everyone to win a prize. They’re offering a prize for best beginner but also prizes for the top two positions below the bar. We’ll have to get practicing.

We’ll be putting together next month’s Knight’s Atari soon, with an ambitious sixteen pages. Let us know if there’s anything you’d like to see in it, or if you’d like to contribute something. Also, there’s still time to enter the competition in this month’s issue.

See you all this evening (and tomorrow),


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Go A-Head


Here we have the Go Society’s own Mikko sporting the latest fashion trend to hit NUIG. Mikko’s hat was produced by an independent team of designers from NSS in conjunction with the Chess and Go societies. This ultra-fashionable headgear is not yet available in stores, but can be found exclusively in the latest edition of Knight’s Atari. Keep an eye out around the university for copies (check out the Knight’s Atari website for previous issues). This months Knight’s Atari also contains contributions from ArtSoc, MathSoc and Lit & Deb, as well as lots of Chess and Go news and puzzles, and loads more to keep you wholly entertained.

The Go puzzles proved… erm, puzzling last night. A number of us agreed that puzzle number four had no solution, but in fact it does. We just didn’t think about it hard enough. There’s a nice little tesuji in there. It turns out we were also sloppy in our rush to solve puzzle number three. What seems like the obvious solution (Black plays at B2) is horribly wrong (White responds with A2!). If you were a member of last nights party who smugly thought you were very smart in figuring out this months puzzles with ease, then you need to go back and try puzzles three and four again. I myself knew the solutions all along, of course, but by telling you the answers I would have robbed you of all that you would have learned by figuring them out for yourselves. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

In other news, a date for the UCC Go Tournament has been set. It will be on 17th-18th November. I’m eager to get a lot of our members along to this. It’s a very enjoyable tournament, and arguably one of the nicest for beginners, as there should also be plenty of players in the 25k-10k from the UCC club. So put that date in your diaries. I’ll be mentioning it again anyways.

Next week you will be provided with a double dose of your weekly Go pleasure as we will be hosting a Beginner’s Workshop on Thursday at 8pm in AC214 on top of our regular Wednesday gaming. Come along. If you’re a beginner this is a good opportunity to learn the rules. If you know the rules and have played a bit then we can provide you with lots of helpful advice that will no doubt improve your game (so you can kick ass at the Cork Tournament).

See you all next Wednesday (and Thursday),



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Go for Gold


First off, congratulations to Barry Coffey who won the competition in last months issue of our wonderful newsletter, Knight’s Atari (new issue out soon!). Barry won with a guess of 98, thereby winning 98 euro.


We also had a very enjoyable meeting last night. Mingling with the chess crowd turned out to be a good idea since we got to take part in that big game of swap chess. Oh, and Ciara is off to a good start as the new chess auditor with her muffins and biscuits. Next week she said she’s going to bake! As rival auditor people are looking to me to outdo her but you clearly don’t know me very well if you haven’t realised how apathetic I am concerning… well, basically everything (except Go, of course). In fact I’m probably the worst person to be auditor of anything but there you go. Ok, see ye next Wednesday,


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