Monthly Archives: December 2011

Puzzle No.4

Black to play and live.

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Filed under Puzzles/Problems

Christmas Blitz

Hi everyone.

We had our Christmas Blitz last night which was a huge success.  You can see below our competitors desperately hunched over their boards, deep in concentration.

Adrenaline was pumping fiercely on the night. The smell of sweat hung in the air and the intensity of the situation had us all on edge. What you can’t see in the picture are us spectators gathered round, frozen in awe by the gravity of the situation, almost too scared to move. Unfortunately, the energy of the situation was too overbearing for some. Poor Ciara broke, and was heard letting out a cry of distress, and had to be forcibly removed:

Also, we had fun.

A number of people won prizes too.

Here, you can see our glorious auditor, Tom, presenting an ecstatic Theo with a box of Ferrero Rocher, from his presumably inexhaustible personal stash.

Ciara recovered in time to claim her prize of a slinky, which is bright and shiny, but too thin to roll down a stairs.

His eminence, Tom, presents the very fortunate Ian with a magnificent 500 piece puzzle.

For those of you who missed out on the blitz or for the adrenalin junkies who just can’t get enough, next week at the same time (Wed at 8) we have the next best thing. The Chess Society are hosting their own Christmas blitz. It should be much the same thing except, y’know, with Chess instead of Go. And Roses instead of Ferrero Rocher.



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Puzzle No.3 Solved!

Below the auditor in the dodgy hat (Tom) presents Ferrero Rocher to the person who solved puzzle no.3. Well done Diarmaid(on the right)!

P.S. Keep an eye out for future puzzles and prizes.


Filed under Puzzles/Problems